It is being more than two months since the last time I posted, this is sad...
The first two weeks the Internet service failed -again-. Then we moved. As some of you know we were living in three rooms in the employees area of the hotel where my husband works. We were living there thinking that our stay in the country was going to be shorter, but after now almost three years in this area, -five in the country- we are still here and as a family we decided to moved to a real house. My girls are very happy with this change, that is very nice. Luis now is out of his working area and I regret we didn't do this before as now he is resting more and looks better -he started running a month ago :D-.
This has brought some changes to my life, now I am more busy, still have many good services I am not complaining, but this seems like I am loosing some focus on my running. I started what was supposed to be the marathon training and it was going fine. I thought my old injury problems were overcame, but seems like there is always something arising that has to be defeated. The problem was as said before, the lack of focus -I think- and it was reflected on my long runs. The first one of 10 miles was fine, but after that the next of 12 I felt very tired from the 9Th mile. Ended walking the last 3 miles despite trying to run many times. The spurs now in both feet were hurting me and my pace was 19, that is crawling speed. Maybe even a good crawler would bet me!
The next runs weren't that different.
I don't feel defeated. The thing is also about money. I was going to spend more than 1700US in this trip to run, not to walk. To improve, not to go worst than the last time. I don't want to, -cause I'm scared- but I will have to look for real help for the spur, I mean taking it off.
What I want to do now is to try to end this cycle of training as long as I can and find out how to solve this, of course continue running.
Other problems like the stomach are solved I am so happy for that! One of the main things the doctor recommended me was to sleep better as stomach receives all the stress and makes the symptoms worst.
We sett a small home gym and it has a nice view, so I'm working out twice a week. Also I'm biking once a week.
Note: This is the fourth report I write. The telephone and Internet service were connected only 4 days ago but as soon as I want to publish it fails, the company says this is normal, hope it works this time. You just can't imagine what living in the jungle means.
I missed you a lot guys and thought of you despite not writing or reading your blogs. Thanks for your latest comments they always mean a lot to me.
And one more think I have a guest room and is very comfortable, let me know if you are around or feel like coming to the Caribbean :D we could find a good place to run!
Nice home gym ;-)
If I ever visit that part of the world, you can be assured we'll visit you.
Yay. You're back Hilda. I've missed you. I love your home gym and I think it's great that Luis is running some too!
Great to have you back Hilda! I hope your internet connection works better in your new place. Write when you can.
It's great to hear from you again Hilda :)
I hope you're able to find a solution for the heel spur and start regular running again.
Glad you're settled in the new house. The guest room will surely be popular!
Welcome back Hilda. Nice home gym! Sorry for the posting problems but now you have a new blog!
Hello :-)
Soooooo pleased that you are back posting again!!
It's so good to hear from you!
About your comment, yes I'm trying to keep up with my blog...but isn't going so well lately.
Welcome back!
Glad to have you back, Hilda. I hope you can get back to healthy and happy running again real soon. I would love to visit that area some day.
Wait till I tell my wife that we have been invited to stay in the Caribbean. She will love that.
Good to hear from you again Hilda.
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