Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ideal weather at the ideal place

What I missed is the ideal runner ;-P

I have to be prepared for days like this. Despite the spring is here there are many days during this season when is cloudy and it is so comfortable to run. I thought of running 4 miles today but still carried on my camel pack to drink water when ever I want. With hot days you never know even if it's cloudy.
The first miles were not that good, but didn't walk still. It is funny how many times I have to find out about how many miles I need to run to start having fun, -is like I always forget- is only the beginning that is not fun. Fun starts after mile 4. Yes, I am the same person who some months ago was saying that fun starts after the 8Th mile and the easiest and best mile was the 12Th... Hope those days come back at some point.
So, I was almost done at mile 4 feeling some tired. I was arriving at the starting point, close to it, when I see this dog. I hate dogs when I am running, they immediately star at me like wanting to play or barking. What I did was to go back on my way and run the route I've already made again.
Yes, I was about to loose the chance to run in a great day like this and all because I wasn't waiting to pass mile 4. Hope I find this dog when I need it.
Ended with 9.7 miles. Couldn't reach the tenth as the sun was already out at this point. I was sweating like a pig you can't imagine.
When will I carry my camera?

Now both feet are hurting me. I'm taking ibuprofen, taking a shower and will head to the doctor, today is the day to know if the doctor can help me operating me here or not. I made the decision finally, I didn't want to stop running and I can run, but during the day the pain is so bad that I can't continue like this without fixing this, wish me luck!


Ewen said...

It's a shame your feet are giving you trouble Hilda. Otherwise, you're having some good runs, some with your new partners, despite the hot days. Also double workouts - very serious!

I hope the doctor can offer some solution to your problem.

D said...

You had a good run, Hilda. I am certainly not looking forward to running in the heat! I hope the Dr. figures out what is going on so you can fix it and continue.